Taking the Xero out of your Memory since 2009…

Channel Statistics

Below are a list of channels that have turned Channel Statistics on. To view details on each channel, simply click on the Channel Name. After clicking, a drop down section will appear with the various details of the channel, as well as a table indicating when the most active times are.

Channel Topic
#Abuse Welcome to XeroMem #Abuse | www.XeroMem.com | Report abusive users and/or staff in here.
#bookz 72Welcome to #bookz ~ The fountain of Knowledge! |52 @search @seek @find !seen 53 Stay polite! |
#chewyb_13 Chewy's Hangout Room, Feel free to the be in here ~ Almost anything can be talked about in here ~ My Personal Discord - https://discord.gg/0kRciQPW23Axglcb ~ ~chewyb_13
#Christian 09Welcome to 13#Christian ~~ 1 Timothy 3:16 "Beyond all question, the mystery of godliness is great: He appeared in a body, was vindicated by the Spirit, was seen by angels, was preached among the nations, was believed on in the world, was taken up in glory."
#DragonsDen 0,1█7,1█4,1█ 0,1█7,1█4,1█ 9#DragonsDen 4,1█7,1█0,1█ 4,1█7,1█0,1█ Through the 4fire 0and 7flames0 - 11XeroMem0 Chat Channel
#ec Welcome to the Executive Channel. We executive the hell out of this bitch.
#eggdrops 49Ryu's Private Eggdrop Channel60 ~~ 72Stay Out Unless Invited!
#facebook 76Post Yer Facebook Links In Here That You Want To Share! 94-44Many Thanks To All Whom Share Facebook Links!
#hellsrisingsun Welcome To #HellsRisingSun we now got an official website , go check it out : https://therisingsun.yooco.org
#Help Welcome to XeroMem #Help | www.XeroMem.com | Ask your question in the channel and we'll answer you as soon as possible.
#IdleRPG Welcome to IdleRPG | The IdleRPG Game | https://www.xeormem.com | https://idlerpg.xeromem.com
#Kline Welcome to Kline | https://www.xeormem.com | Banned Users may e-mail kline@xeromem.com for assistance.
#pirates 11,31,41,51,61,71,81,91,108,1 Pirates Game! 🕱 Welcome aboard Rising Sun, Season 30, Mod: PVOP! 🕱 Join wit' !Pirates 🕱 8Happy Weekend 🕱 Chat = doubloons! 🕱 11http://piratesirc.com 1,101,91,81,71,61,511,41,3
#Ranting-101 72Where the Elite go to Rant!
#Robz Welcome To #HellsRisingSun we now got an official website , go check it out : https://therisingsun.yooco.org
#Routing Welcome to #Routing | Link Application: https://www.xeromem.com/network/servers/link-application/
#vhost Welcome to #Vhost | https://www.xeormem.com | Request your Vhost here
#Virt-Host Virtual Hosting Company - www.Virt-Host.Com
#X-Staff Services Database Corruption - Completely Lost

To enable Channel Statistics on your channel, type /msg ChanServ SET CHANSTATS <#channel> ON